Add Audience Contacts Manually

Add Audience Contacts Manually

Add Audience Contacts Manually

Grow your list with AI support

List building just got a lot easier. If you want to add a small number of records to a new or existing audience, this is the AI-powered tool for you.

A different article shows you how to bulk import subscribers into a new or existing audience. Click here to learn more.

Uploading contacts to a new audience

From the tinyAlbert dashboard, select Audience on the side menu and click the Import Audience button. 

In the popup window:

  1. Enter a unique name for the new audience.
  2. Check the box to confirm that you have permission to send these contact email messages.
  3. Click Continue.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience import manually

Creating records

On the next page, scroll down to the table. Each table row holds one record. The Email column is the only required field.

The AI displays the message, All rows pass validation!, when your data are formatted properly.

  • If there is a data error, the AI highlights the cell. Hover the mouse on the cell to see the error type and fix it.

tinyAlbert email marketing fix data errors

Uploading the records

When the table data are error-free, go to the bottom of the page and click Upload. After the upload finishes, tinyAlbert displays the audience page. That page lists the subscribers and shows engagement data once you start using the audience. 

tinyAlbert email marketing audience import results

Updating contact info

It's not possible to edit subscriber data on the Audience page. But you can update a record with the manual import tool.

Go to the table and enter the email address of an existing contact. Enter new or updated information into any of the other columns. Click Upload. tinyAlbert updates the existing record.

If you enter a new email address for the same contact person, tinyAlbert creates a duplicate record instead of overwriting the existing record.

Uploading with errors

If your data has an error or two, you can still upload the error-free records. Click the Upload Rows Without Errors button. tinyAlbert adds the records with clean data to the audience. tinyAlbert won't upload a record with a data validation error.

tinyAlbert email marketing audience new

Adding records to an existing audience

You can manually add subscribers to an existing audience. 

  1. Open the Audience page.
  2. Locate an audience and hover the mouse at the end of the row.
  3. Click See results.

tinyAlbert AI email marketing audience results

On the next page, click the Import button and repeat the steps described above.

tinyAlbert AI email marketing

That's it.

Now, you know how to manually add subscribers to an audience and update fields.

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