Add/Remove Text Hyperlinks

Add/Remove Text Hyperlinks

Add/Remove Text Hyperlinks

Link to product pages or special offers!

Open a tinyAlbert message and customize the links.

Inserting a link

To add a link to text:

  1. Locate a message and open the editor.
  2. Add text to the message (optional) or select existing text.
  3. Highlight the word(s).
  4. Click the link icon in the menu bar. The side panel displays.

tinyalbert email marketing messages add text links

Go to the side panel and locate the Link heading.

  1. Make sure the Site option is selected.
  2. Enter the URL.
  3. Click Save and then Save & Continue in the confirmation popup window. 


In the same panel, you can also:

  • customize the color of linked text
  • switch off the toggle to remove the underline below the linked text

Removing a link

Click the linked text one time and then click the Change Link icon in the menu bar. tinyAlbert removes the link. Click Save to keep the change.

That's it.

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