Can I Use a Coupon Code?

Can I Use a Coupon Code?

Can I Use a Coupon Code?

Discount the cost of your tinyAlbert plan

How can I apply a coupon code?

If I ever write a book, it'll be called The Tao of AI Email Marketing. And in that book of inspirational catchphrases, I'd point out the principle of effortless action (called wu weiis critical to success in business and life.  

That's why I absolutely love the tinyAlbert offer. Switch your email marketing to AI-powered effortless action and use that saved time to build other parts of your business or focus on something else meaningful, like getting in some quality family time or practicing the long-lost art of doing nothing.

What's this got to do with discount codes? Plenty. 

tinyAlbert makes it easy to apply a code. We don't complicate discounting with conditional discounts, education plans, or student rates. We make discounting effortless.

Apply a coupon code and get a discount on the cost of a plan. That's it. Here's how to apply the code.

Applying a discount code

  1. Log in to your store.
  2. Open the tinyAlbert app.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click your tinyAlbert Profile icon.

tinyalbert email plan pricing

  • On the My account page, click the Plans menu tab and then the Use it now link.

tinyAlbert enter a coupon code

  • In the popup window, enter your code and click Submit code. 

That's it. 

Effortless discount codes.

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