Can You Sell Me a Database?

Can You Sell Me a Database?

Can You Sell Me a Database?

Sorry, we don't sell lists.

I picked up some questions from people who were kicking the tires. These people don't have a Shopify store or a list. In essence, they're starting from zero (hey, we've all been there) and were looking for a way to fast-track their email marketing or newsletter distribution. 

Their question (paraphrased) goes like this: 

I don't have a store yet and don't have a customer base. Can tinyAlbert give me a list of leads?

Here's our answer: Nope. 

tinyAlbert is an opt-in only email marketing service. We don't have lists of leads that we sell to customers. If you don't have a list of opted-in audiences for your store or newsletter (or can't spend the time building a list), tinyAlbert might not be right for you. That's because tinyAlbert is a GDPR-compliant email marketing service, and list-selling goes against our terms and conditions.

tinyAlbert terms conditions

That's it. 

Good luck with your email marketing journey.

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