Changing Images and Text

Changing Images and Text

Changing Images and Text

Create better AI-generated email marketing

Sometimes, the image selection and text display aren't quite right. How can I improve what tinyAlbert generates? 

Artificial intelligence doesn't always get it right. Sometimes, the responses and answers are off target or just plain wrong, an AI attribute that engineers lovingly call hallucinations

We all know AI is in its infancy, and there is much machine learning to be done before it takes over the world. Until then, let me show you a couple of AI email marketing tips that can improve the images and text in your tinyAlbert campaigns and automations.

AI email marketing tip 1 

Go back to the AI Tuning page and add more descriptive text to the Company/Product details field. More information usually produces better results.

tinyalbert AI email marketing background information

To open the AI Tuning page, go to the bottom of the page and click the account icon. Go to the top of the My Account page. You can see the AI Tuning tab.

AI email marketing tip 2

You could try regenerating messages. This small step often leads to significant image and text changes. Learn more.

tinyAlbert regenerate a campaign

That's it. 

I hope these small tips improve your tinyAlbert email marketing.

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