Create a Custom Discount Code
Drive sales with coupons inside campaign messages
Great news for marketers! You can send tinyAlbert campaign messages with a new or existing one-time use coupon code. Choose any discount value you like for custom codes, from 1% to 100%. Here's the best part. You can create these codes with a few clicks and zero coding.
The tool is remarkably easy to use.
- The coupon process is fully integrated from end to end. tinyAlbert auto-generates the coupon code inside the campaign message and recognizes the code in your customer's checkout.
Our codes protect store owners.
- Each tinyAlbertcoupon code is designed for one-time use per customer. If a shopper tries to reuse the same code, the checkout displays a message and does not apply the discount.
Customize settings
tinyAlbert codes come with default settings like these:
- one-time use per customer
- no minimum purchase
- no time limit
You can override these settings and add custom features by opening Shopify's Discounts page. Click here to learn more.
Opening a campaign
The first step is to open a campaign message.
- Click the Campaigns link on the side menu.
- Make sure the Future Campaigns tab is selected.
- Select a campaign and click the three-dot icon.
- Click Settings. The Edit campaign panel displays.

Creating a code
Scroll down the Edit campaign panel. Switch on the Discount toggle.

The panel shows two options. Choose one option and then click the Save and Continue button.
- Use an existing coupon - Click the field and select an option on the drop-down menu. The coupon code, conditions (e.g. one-time purchase), and discount value are already set. Or,

- Create a new coupon - Enter a number between 1 and 100 in the Value field. tinyAlbert auto-generates a coupon code on the next page.

Best practice tip
In most cases, you'll create a new coupon code for each campaign message that goes out to a wide audience. That's because each coupon is designed for one-time use per customer. Consider this possible scenario.
- You use an existing code and send the campaign. One of your customers used the same code in the past. Today, they try to use the code at the checkout and get a reject message. How might your customer feel? Surely disappointed and perhaps a bit deceived.
Previewing and testing
After you click Save and Continue, the Preview email panel displays. You can see how tinyAlbert automatically placed the discount text inside the message. If you selected an existing coupon, that text and code appear here. If you created a new coupon, that text and an auto-generated coupon code display here.
- If it all looks good, click the Activate button. The discount code is ready, and your work is done.
- If you want to send a test message and see out the code looks on the user end, click the More button and then click Send Test.