Dashboard Summary

Dashboard Summary

Dashboard Summary

A quick review of the KPIs

The Dashboard provides a summary of your key performance indicators (KPIs). All the data on this page comes from your Shopify store.  

To open the Dashboard, log in to your store, go to the side menu, open the Apps folder, and click tinyAlbert. 

tinyalbert dashboard and KPIs


Total Revenue is the running total of your Shopify revenue.

Automations and Campaigns

Generated Revenue

This figure shows revenue from sales that can be linked to your most recent message—automation or campaign. How is the link measured? Good question. 

  • Full disclosure - we don't install a tracking code that follows your customers from site to site and digitally connects a message open to a store purchase. Instead, we connect messages and customer orders with time.

If a customer opens your most recent message and then—within the next ten days—makes a store purchase, we assume the two events are correlated. All store sales by customers inside the 10-day window—following the most recent automation or campaign message open—are added together and presented on the Dashboard as Generated Revenue

Generated Conversions

We use the same 10-day window formula to calculate conversions. The difference is that the figure Generated Conversions counts the number of orders you receive within ten days of the most recent automation or campaign message instead of money.

What about double counting?

If your store sends frequent automation messages and campaign emails, you might have multiple 10-day windows overlapping each other. That situation could lead to double counting revenue and conversions. 

Our system avoids that potential problem altogether. There's only one 10-day window for any customer, and it always starts at zero when a reader opens your most recent message - automation or campaign.  


This section shows four numbers. The numbers on the left show the total number of customers and unique subscribers who signed up with a tinyAlbert form on your website. 

The other numbers (on the right) show how many unique subscribers and customers have signed up since you installed the tinyAlbert app. 

tinyAlbert dashboard shows audience KPIs

Next steps

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