Get Started with tinyAlbert

Get Started with tinyAlbert

Get Started with tinyAlbert

Add AI-powered marketing to your store

Let me introduce our new tool. It's called tinyAlbert, and it's going to change the way you do email marketing. I know that's a whopper of a promise, but let me explain.

tinyAlbert is an AI-driven marketing assistant for Shopify store owners. You can harness the power of artificial intelligence to design, write, and generate campaigns, automations, and list-building forms.

Our AI digs deep to learn your business and capture the essence of your branding. tinyAlbert pulls in relevant images, your logo, and even your site's font to create consistent messaging and generate meaningful campaign content.  

  • See for yourself. Sign up for the free 7-day trial and discover the tinyAlbert difference.

tinyalbert email marketing free trial


If you have a couple of minutes, I'll give you a quick 360 tour of the app. If you like what you see, sign up for the free trial and generate your first AI message in a few minutes.

To get started, complete three steps: 

In a hurry?

Watch the video and learn how to set up tinyAlbert in two minutes.

Installing the app

tinyAlbert installs like any Shopify app. 

  1. Go to the Shopify app store.
  2. Search tinyAlbert.
  3. Install the app. 

After you install the app, tinyAlbert sends a confirmation message to your email account. You can confirm your email address now or later. Both options are okay, but you'll need to click the confirmation link in that message (it's a security measure to keep out the hackers) before sending out your first AI-powered campaign.

tinyEinstein verify email

Enabling the app

After you install the app, Shopify displays the Plan page. We offer tiered pricing, which means the cost of tinyAlbert depends on the number of customers in your system. Learn more about tiers here.

Select a plan and click the free trial button. 

  • BTW  Click the Use it now link if you have a coupon code.

tinyalbert approve account

On the next page, read the subscription details, check the start and end dates of the free trial, select a payment method (in case you love tinyAlbert and want to continue with a paid plan), and review the spending limit. If it all looks good, click the Approve button to accept the terms and enable the app. 

  • FYI  Click here to learn more about our tier plus overage pricing model.

tinyalbert email marketing sign up

Setting up the payment plan

Scroll down to the Payment method box. Choose a method and connect a payment method, if required.

tinyAlbert payment method credit card or PayPal

Completing the onboarding

After you click Approve, the My account page displays. You need to complete three important tasks.

Step 1 Choose a layout

Click the Preview link to check out each option: Colourful, Minimalist, and Professional. To learn more about each layout, click the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the cards.

Select a layout option to select one template. tinyAlbert uses that template to design your campaigns, automations, and forms.

tinyAlbert screenshot shows layout options

Step 2 Set the tone of voice

This required step nudges the AI to select words and phrases that give readers a particular impression about you and your store. Click the field and choose an option on the drop-down menu.