How do I change the image in an automation?

How do I change the image in an automation?

How do I change the image in an automation?

There are two options

Swapping out the image inside an automation is easy, and there are two options: use the tinyAlbert Hero Image tool or use the editor

Adding a custom hero image

The first option is to use the Hero image tool. Add one and five images to the hero library. tinyAlbert automatically inserts an image into all automations (and campaigns) by rotating through the library options. If you want to use the same image all the time, just select one image on the Hero Image page.

  • Click here to learn more.

tinyAlbert add custom hero images to campaigns and automations

Editing a tinyAlbert automation

Use this option if you want to add an image to a single automation.

Be sure to edit a template on a desktop computer. It's not really possible to make these edits on a phone or mobile device.

Locate an automation and then click the toggle to deactivate the automation.

click the toggle to deactivate an automation

Click Preview and then click More Edit.

Click Start Editing in the confirmation pop-up. On the next page, click the Next button.

On the editor canvas, click the current image one time. Then go to the side panel and click the Change image icon. Select an image in the library or upload a new one.

tinyAlbert drops the new image into the container. Click Save and then Save & Continue on the confirmation popup window.

tinyAlbert preview automation messages

Back on the automation page, be sure to activate the automation. Optionally, preview the message and send a test message.

That's it.

Now you know how to change an automation image with the tinyAlbert Hero Image tool and the editor.

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