How tinyAlbert Works

How tinyAlbert Works

How tinyAlbert Works

Our AI rules

I hope you've had a chance to test out tinyAlbert. 

It's our AI-powered tool that's changing the way email marketers work by streamlining all sorts of copywriting and design tasks, from auto-generated subject lines and on-brand body copy to list-building forms and automations that connect with prospects.  

  • BTW  If you're new to tinyAlbert, check out this introduction. It explains the basics and shows you how to get started with a 7-day free trial. 

How the AI works

Our AI makes email marketing decisions based on a proprietary algorithm. The algorithm looks at your unique data input (e.g. layout choice, tone of voice, product information) and then applies its rules to generate outputs for campaigns, automations, and forms. 

Where do the rules come from? 

That, in essence, is the secret sauce of the algorithm. The rules that define tinyAlbert's intelligence come from three sets of raw data: evolving design trends, structured content based on proven marketing tactics, and machine learning.

tinyAlbert email design

tinyAlbert tracks the most popular styles used by the top e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands and analyses the variables that drive the most email interactions (e.g. clicks). Based on that research (from sites like this one and this one), we tweak the algorithm to auto-design campaigns, automations, and forms that look good and encourage customer engagement.

Here is a sample of what's hot right now in the world of email design.

tinyAlbert email content

Powered by OpenAI, tinyAlbert creates message prompts based on frameworks that have driven results in advertising for decades. The evolution of some frameworks can, for instance, be traced back to copywriting pioneers like Robert Collier

Here are three framework examples.

  • Write an email marketing campaign using the Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action framework to present the problem faced by a customer and help them understand it. Create the desired conviction in the reader to use our product as the solution and make them take action. 
  • Using the Emotion-Logic framework, write an email marketing campaign that connects with the customer and creates a desire for our product. Use emotional appeals to connect with the reader, but also use logical arguments to convince them to take action. Include talking points such as emotion, pain point, and desired action.
  • Write an email marketing campaign using the Solution-Savings-Social Proof framework to persuade the customer to take action. Clearly state the problem our product solves, emphasize the time, money, or other resources that the customer can save by using our product, and use customer testimonials or social proof to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution. Include variables such as product, unique selling point, and desired action.

Machine Learning

One of the unique features of tinyAlbert is the ability to learn and improve by looking for patterns in past data without the need for new human programming inputs. That self-improvement process is called machine learning. 

Our algorithms track which prompts create the most persuasive subject lines measured by opens. Content and design are constantly analyzed using our proprietary algorithms to determine which creatives influence clicks and sales.

What's the upshot? The more you use tinyAlbert to engage with your audience through campaigns, automations, and forms, the more accurate the messaging becomes.

I hope you enjoyed this human-crafted overview of tinyAlbert. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team! 

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