Round Corners

Round Corners

Round Corners

Add a splash of design pizzaz

Turn sharp angles into smooth edges with the rounding corner tool. You can round corners on containers and structures with background colors. 

Working with containers

  1. Open a message.
  2. Click a block on the canvas to make it the active layer.
  3. Go to the Blocks heading on the side panel.
  4. Click the arrow to move up to the container level.

tinyAlbert add block to email campaign message

On the side panel, add a background color and then use the plus (+) and minus (-) icons to round the corners. To adjust the font color, click the text and return to the Block level.


It's not possible to round the corners of an image. However, you can round the corners of the background color behind an Image block.

tinyAlbert use buttosn to add round corners to campaign message

Working with structures

  1. Click a structure on the canvas to make it the active layer.
  2. Go to the side panel and change the background color of the structure.
  3. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) icons to round the corners. 

Optional controls

For greater design control, switch on the Separately toggle. Now, you can round each individual corner of the structure.

tinyAlbert use toggles to add paddignto campaign messages

That's all.

Now you know how to round corners in a tinyAlbert message.

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