Send a Test Message

Send a Test Message

Send a Test Message

Preview the design and copy before sending

Remember that old email joke, "I do my best editing after sending out a campaign"?

If that sounds like you, I've got great news. tinyAlbert users can send test messages for campaigns and automations. Email marketers can now see how their customizations display on desktop and mobile devices before sending messages to their audience. 

Sending a test message

To send a campaign or automation test message:

  1. Select a message.
  2. Click Preview.
  3. Click Send Test.

tinyAlbert test automation messages

In the popup window, enter one email address and then click Send test.

You can send a maximum of 25 test messages per day. We need that limit to discourage spammers.

That's it.

Now you know how to send a tinyAlbert test message. 

Lots of people love how our AI saves email marketers time. But they also want to customize stuff. We listened. Here's a list of tinyAlbert email customization options.

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