tinyAlbert Plans
Learn about our tier pricing model
I'm a crazy frugal. I can't stand required tipping (please don't hate me) and never buy coffee in a cafe. And whenever I check out a new app, I always look at the pricing before doing a deep dive into features. I guess I don't want to fall in love with a product and then get disappointed by a wallet-crushing price.
That's why I love the tinyAlbert Plans page. It's built for frugal people looking for a tool that scales with their business. Everything is upfront with plan pricing that won't leave you disappointed.
We offer tier pricing with overage charges. The more customers you have, the higher the monthly plan fee.
Let me explain.
Let's say you sign up for tinyAlbert at the basic tier, which is $3/month. The basic tier is for small lists with a tier limit of 100 customers. If your list grows beyond 100 customers, there is an overage fee. The overage fee for all tiers is $3/month per 100 customers over the tier limit.
A discount code can reduce the cost of a plan but not overage fees.
Store A signs up for Tier 3 pricing, which is $10/month for lists with 251 to 500 customers. After a successful social media marketing blitz, the list jumps to 950 customers.
Based on our tier plus overage pricing model, Store A would pay a tier price of $10/month plus $15/month in overage costs ($3/month per 100 customers over the tier limit). That's a total of $25/month.
When overage costs start to creep up, we'll send Store A an email message with a suggestion:
Based on the overage costs in this scenario, the store owner would save money by switching from Tier 3 ($10/month plus overage costs) to Tier 4 ($20/month).
Feel free to contact our support team. We're always happy to take your tinyAlbert questions.
If you still need help, we're here for you!
If you'd like to know more, chat with us on Messenger 💬