Welcome Series 10% Discount

Welcome Series 10% Discount

Welcome Series 10% Discount

Enable automations that give new subscribers another reason to shop

There's something oddly satisfying about discount codes. Sure, I can save money, but it goes deeper. It's the idea that I'm increasing value with a few clicks.

I'm not the only online shopper who feels that way. According to these folks, 60% of shoppers look for deals. Even better news for online stores, this chart from Statista suggests that 80% of shoppers in the US are willing to switch brands if they can use a discount code. 

If you appreciate the value that discount codes can bring to an online store, then I have amazing news. You can now access an innovative tinyAlbert automation that blends the power of AI with an old-fashioned marketing (and re-marketing) technique.   

  • Our unique Welcome Series 10%Discount automation, when enabled, sends out an AI-generated message with a discount code that customers can use with their next purchase. 

Just so we're clear, tinyAlbert does all the work. Everything is automated - from the name of the 10% discount code to shopping cart readiness. All you need to do is confirm the message design and turn it on. 

tinyAlbert has a Welcome message automation without a discount. Click here to learn about that one. I strongly urge you not to enable both Welcome automations at the same time. You might bombard your new subs with messages and wear your welcome. 

Enabling the automation

  1. Log in to your Shopify store and open tinyAlbert.
  2. Click Automations on the side menu.
  3. Look for the Welcome Series 10% Discount card.
  • FYI  If you don't see this card, click the Regenerate button. 

tinyEinstein Welcome automation.

Once the automation is generated, the code is created in your Shopify store's Discounts section. 

Previewing the discount code message

Click the Preview button, and review the message on desktop and mobile devices. tinyAlbert automatically adds all the discount information, including:

  • copy
  • button, discount value, and code name
  • link back to your store

Design not quite to your liking? Click the Regenerate button to display a fresh message layout.

Understanding the details

We added rules to the backend to simplify the Welcome Series 10% Discount automation for the user end. These rules also control how your customers can use the code. 

When enabled:

  • tinyAlbert sends the automation message and discount code to new Shopify subscribers who sign up with a tinyAlbert form. That means all your current customers can use the code if they are not currently in your Welcome audience.
  • Each subscriber in the Welcome audience can use the code one time. If the same user tries to use the again with a different purchase, the Shopify page rejects the discount and displays a message that says the code has already been used.
  • Sorry, but you cannot change the value of the discount at this time. It's all AI-generated. 

What your customer sees

After the customer clicks the discount code button in the automation message, the browser takes them to your store. When the customer goes to the payment page, they click the Discount code field. The field auto-suggests the code from the Welcome automation.

The page auto-applies the discount, and everything else moves along smoothly as expected.

email marketing send discount codes

Wrap up

AI-crafted discount codes are an exciting step that can save store owners time and generate sales. The Welcome Series 10% Discount automation is just the first step - new marketing tools and functionality for automations, campaigns, and forms are coming soon!

If you have questions about our AI-powered discount code, contact our support team today! 

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