Why Do My Emails Go to the Spam Folder?

Why Do My Emails Go to the Spam Folder?

Why Do My Emails Go to the Spam Folder?

Take action and don't leave deliverability to fickle fate

Other than this classic Mony Python skit, there's nothing funny about spam. It's a drain on time and resources. So naturally, we get questions from customers like this one: 

Why did my messages go to the spam folder?

The answer is not so clear-cut. Lots of factors influence how an email service provider evaluates your message and then decides to spam it or send it to the recipient's Inbox.

Here's a checklist of actions that you can take to maximize deliverability rates.

  • Don't use a free email address as your tinyAlbert sender address (e.g. a Yahoo or Gmail address). Learn why here. For more info, click here to learn why free email is bad.

email marketing set sender email address

  • Authenticate your sending domain. Setting up a DKIM file with tinyAlbert takes a few minutes (it's free), but it is worth the effort. Many email service providers (e.g. Yahoo or Gmail) use DKIM when looking for spam.

what is dkim

  • Follow these tips. The article has some basic housekeeping ideas that can help you keep a clean list and improve deliverability. Bonus - some best practices are described and summarized here.

That's it.

Good luck with your email marketing journey.

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